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VERATRON A2C59514043 AMMETER SHUNT -60/60AMP - 60MV INPUT - 12/24V

VERATRON A2C59514043 AMMETER SHUNT -60/60AMP - 60MV INPUT - 12/24V
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SKU: A2C59514043 R36321

Ammeter Shunt -60/60AMP - 60mV Input - 12/24V A shunt is a resistor that causes a small voltage drop. This voltage drop in mVolt is

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Ammeter Shunt -60/60AMP - 60mV Input - 12/24V

A shunt is a resistor that causes a small voltage drop. This voltage drop in mVolt is proportional with the current in ampere that goes through the resistor. This voltage is measured by the Ammeter. The advantage of the shunt is that thick wires are no longer needed at a high current (>10 A). To measure the total flow you only need two thin wires from the measuring instrument to the shunt in the earth connection of the main system.

This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns.

Country of origin: SWITZERLAND*

* Provided by manufacturer, not verified.
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